I developed the following educational apps for a variety of classes. Please report any bugs, or general questions, to me as I am always trying to make these better.
- Dragon genetic crosses
- A series of Mendelian crosses that address dominance and the potential for interaction between two genes.
- I am currenlty developing a more complete model that will include more advanced epistasis and linkage/crossing over
- Statisitical power example
- A graphical demonstration of statisitical power
- Bayesian model selection example
- A graphical demonstration of the weighting of two hypotheses given a single observed data value.
- Coin Flip simulation
- Simulation showing the effects of sample size and random variation
- Monty Hall simulation
- A model that allows students to play the Monty Hall game (and track success) or simulate many plays to see the results of this non-intuitive logic question
- NFC North simulation
- First, allows students to simulate the number of wins for a particular team
- In addition, allows a more complex model that includes the results of the other teams in the division
- Demonstrates the difference between simple models (that can often be predicted by a simple equation) and more complex models that may be best solved by simulation.
- Grade estimator
- A tool to show predicted final grades (for a class based on points not percentages)
- The defaults match the values in one of my classes, but it is flexible enough to adjust to most needs
- I have a similar set up for classes based on percentages, but that is currently not flexible enough to be used for any other courses (though I hope to make that one more flexible soon)
- Exam randomizer
- Tool to randomize the multiple choice questions and answers
- Exports PDF of multiple versions of the exam
- Automates the grading of the multiple versions from Scantron (Still not ready for production use)
- Still in the very early stages of development, please contact me if you are interested in testing and using the system
- Sample EMS Training Form
- Web interface to track training for paramedics
- Utilizes database of shifts with unique keys to prepopulate evaluator and evaluatee information.
- See alternative shift here
- Working with EMS professionals to populate with their questions and interface directly with schedule to increase completion rates
- Sample EMS Review Interface
- Sample of the web interface to review employee evaluations
- User name is “user”; password is “pass”
- All current data is artificial, the log in is just to demonstrate the final interface
- Allows review of individual employees over time to track progress and ensure that goals are being met
- Sample Rural EMS scheduling site
- Shows, at a glance, which dates/times are insufficiently staffed
- Allows online addition of shifts
- The ambulance service in question allows employees to select when they will be on call
- Allows review of number of hours worked over any arbitrary period
- This system is currently run entirely on paper, and this online tool is in the very early stages of development to mee their needs
- User name is “user”; password is “pass”
- All current data is artificial, the log in is just to demonstrate the final interface